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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  March 19, 2013 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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growing concerns about the b.c., as well as the proliferation of options in the bridge as i else, including bottled teas and flavored waters. >> coming up on kron 4 morning news. a single shot from a san jose police officer kills a suspect who was allegedly trying to ram officer with a stolen car. >> plus, celcelebrations are happening in vatican city today off as pope france's is installed as the new pope. >> a former nba star finds himself guarding something entirely different. we'll explain when we talk to gary radnich. will be right back.
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>> (male announcer): live from the bay area this is the kron 4 morning news. kron 4 news at 7 starts now. >> good morning. top stores were following on this tuesday march 19th breaking news out of nevada. seven marines have been killed and several others injured at a military training facility new details coming up.
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>> tens of thousands of people gathered this morning in st. peter's square for pope francis inaugural mass. more on the ceremony and symbolism. >> off we have rain working to the bay area that is part of our forecast for later this afternoon. expect to see showers hitting your neighborhood just a bit. but first george is tracking as a major hot spots. >> live in the traffic center with george. the back up is growing here it is unbelievable how long it is. >> if there are multiple vehicles involved in this accident. drive times over an hour and a half. for westbound highway 4. this commute time normally should be at about 47-48 minutes. which is heavy enough. it has more than doubled. what we have is a multicar accident involving a big rig. 67 vehicles. they believe it was started by a wrong way driver that was headed east on the westbound lane. >> the back of reaches all
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the way into antioch with nearly a 100 minute commute time from here over to hear. >> when you're looking at something like this involving this mini vehicles this is a lot of time? >> in fact kron fours jackie sissel is in route to this because of the big rig involved. >> this was not our only hot spot. we also have major problem earlier this morning. here on interstate 80 west bound. the accident is clear. it looks like a typical back up. the only advantage that that has created for some commuters is the bay bridge back up is hardly existed. the west bound riders and easy one with a 14 minute commute time if you're coming from the macarthur maize. >> talking about the coming rainier's erica on a word on when. >> when show wipers for your evening ride home. we're starting off with a gorgeous shot of the san francisco skyline. into the afternoon it will be dry and cooler
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rain is likely as we head into the evening hours. before we get there let us take a look at temperatures. currently 49 in fairfield. 50 in hayward. off upper '40's in downtown san francisco. satellite and radar tracking the impending storm. the moisture still in the pacific. i will walk you to the timing. i will show you futurecast for coming up in a couple of minutes. >> thank you erica. breaking news out of nevada. seven marines have been killed in a training exercise at hawthorne army depot. we have a closer look at where this happened. the access have been around 10 last night and it also injured several with the second marine division. the cause is under investigation. there is a city on the left on the right to make out the little dots those are all the bunkers where ammunition is stored. this accident as we understand happen around 10:00. hough on army depot
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stores and dispose of ammunition. the facility is made up of tons of buildings spread over more than 230 square miles and just east of the california line. will bring you more information as it becomes available. as we understand seven marines killed in some sort of training exercise. >> the vatican is estimating about 150,000 people gathered in st. peter's square this morning for the popes inaugural mass. >> a list of its coridan has the latest. >> the pope rolled into st. peter's square where there was a crowd to witness his inaugural mass. he did not ride in this additithe traditiol pope mobile . >> he got out of his s u b to bless a disabled man. >> ♪
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following the ceremony inside take years basilica st. francis was presented outdoors or will he was inaugurated. >> the fissuring represents his duty to spread the gospel. pope francis delivered his first message an italian asking followers to resume the role of protectors. >> we are all protective of creation. of the plan of cotton in nature. protectors of one another of the environment. let us not allow signs of destruction and death accompany our journey of this world. >> 500 priests took communion to the crowd. >> at the conclusion of the to our mass pope francis greeted the international head of state and intendant including vice president joe biden led the u.s. delegation. france's assumes
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his role in one of the busiest in holy times on the catholic calendar. next sunday is palm sunday easter falls one week later. >> i am elisabeth corridan reporting. >> back here in the bay area the superbowl of becoming to santa clara and 2016 if all goes well. before the possibility the nfl is already demanding things of the bay area. will tran joins us live from santa clara. >> what exactly are they looking for well? >> if they are looking for free things. these are billionaires' and they want three things to make it happen. that is what the city of santa clara will fall on tonight. the question is where there will the visible role there which will decide on may 22nd. here is video of the recent brawl. the 49ers were in new orleans. >> how big is for the host city to have it? you get the
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prestige. >> the bay area is fighting for. it plus $300 million in local economy. it is a big thing. what is santa clara prepared to do? the nfl wants them to wait parking fees. something as simple as $5. they did not want to pay for that. >> the big thing is they want to waive the hotel taxes that could mean millions of dollars. >> off what could help santa clara, san francisco is the fact that miami the other city competing for 2016 has told the nfl will not waive the hotel taxes. santa clara will decide if that will happen. >> we will look at that and perhaps at that time they will say the bay area is a much better deal and miami. >> will have to wait and see. do we have any idea when they make the decision. >> the owners have to get together and vote? >> may 22nd there will make
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the decision. they have to give the host city several years to prepare to get the infrastructure in place. they have to build facilities if necessary to host insuperable. >> if i just left norland it is huge. you need all kinds of buildings conference rooms and all these things to host the nfl media as well as the activity for the fans. >> we shall see will. thank you for the update. 7 07 we will be back with more in a couple of minutes. a live look outside as we wait for the weather is a change. if we're looking at storm had our way. will have more on the timing in a couple minutes. taking a live
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for over 75 years people have saved money with... ohhh... ...with geico... ohhh...sorry! director's voice: here we go. from the top. and action for over 75 years people have saved money with gecko so.... director's voice: cut it! ...what...what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw... for over 75 years...(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained) director's voice: keep it together. i'm good. i'm good. for over 75...(uncontrollable laughter). what are you doing there? stop making me laugh. vo: geico. saving people money for over seventy-five years. gecko: don't look at me. don't look at me. it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers.
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fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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>> welcome back to the kron 4 morning news as we continue to drive delays in bay point. a multi vehicle accident blocked the two right hand lines. westbound highway 4 at willow pass road. the accident scene stressed out for nearly an eighth of a mile. traffic is backed up and antioch nearly 100 minutes the commute time into concord from highway 160 on high way for westbound. >> thank you george 710 right now. a person killed during an officer involved shooting in san jose on monday night was try to ram a police officer with a stolen vehicle. that is why the officer fired. let us take a look from our helicopt a partnership with abc seven news over the scene. the shooting happen
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around 7:00 nestorius out a white rose. officers were following up on an unrelated case when they spot a vehicle that had been reported stolen. when they tried to pull the car over the driver allegedly rammed a police car and attempted to run down the officer would got off to check out the damage. >> i came out of my house and cars went around and ice contro cream truck relief as. under cover cop cars around someone around the block. date to jump out of the cars in front of a white car. we heard two shots fired that is all i know. >> authorities say the officer feared for his life when opening fire on the suspect was taken to hospital where he died from his injuries. if a passenger in the stolen car is being considered a witness and is cooperating with authorities. >> was at a wwe will take a brek at 712. our roof camera looking over a san francisco. we are off to a
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mild and dry start. that could be a different story making your way home during the afternoon commute. [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids? it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok.
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[ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. with qualifying bundles. i'my body doesn't work the way it used se. pastpa my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i doi n't think so.
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>> welcome back to the kron 4 morning news we're tracking hot spot. the bay bridge westbound which had been a lie back up has grown considerably. it's started off light because of our first tosspots the east shore freeway. that is clear now. let us get to the big problem on high way 4 in the west bound direction where we still have the 2 lanes blocked here in bay point at willow pass road. this is the multi vehicle accident. the accident it stretches out for about an eighth of a mile. with numerous among the to vehicles in attendance this accident precipitated by a wrong way driver according to the initial chp report. even a
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big rig was involved with the crash. six-seven other vehicles involved. >> the backup bridges and antioch for the west bound ride. it will be at least a 98 minute enroute commute time from antioch over to concord. that is the slowest drive i have ever seen there. >> that means much less pressure on 680 southbound and westbound highway 24. the traffic that would normally be there has not reached it yet. >> this east shore freeway ride interstate 80 that got so badly backed up actually the commute times or staying high at 48 minutes. it should be about 28 minutes west bound. that was one of the reasons why we had a lighter than normal back up earlier at the bay bridge. as you can see, the back up is growing. we will be looking at commute times again about 18-20 minutes. >> the san mateo bridge we're looking at 13-15 minute commute time. heavy traffic in the west bound
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direction. the golden gate bridge ride still problem free and so is the commute through marin county. we have been without incident on 101 southbound. erica. >> good morning george. we're starting off the morning of the mild side. we have cloud cover above. temperatures on the warmer side. we have not seen any '30's this morning. in fact, san francisco flirting with 50 degrees. 50 in san carlos. satellite marin are keeping an eye on the bigger weather story. we have rain on the horizon. a lot of cloud cover is streaming into the bay area. all of the moisture still often to the pacific. traffic timing you should be dry for most of the debri day. >> 60 in tonight still seeing rain off shore. we could skirt by. by 9:00 p.m. the green on your screen indicates where we anticipate rain. >> this will be a steady light rain there it is could
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increase in intensity in the overnight hours. we could see a definite break. it you will see dry conditions for the coastline, amid peninsula. >> by 2:00 p.m. tomorrow morning waking up for your morning commute by 6:00 a.m. potential heavy rain around golden gate bridge. a steady light rain for the delta of livermore valley. >> focus in on afternoon highs but it '60s. i do not think we wi much in the way of sunshine. >> daly city 55. 64 in concord. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows or whether past midday wednesday. in fact, talking seventies by saturday and sunday. >> thank you erica. the threats from north korea have sparked talk with in south korea of the need to develop its own we're weapons. a recent poll shows that two-thirds of south korean citizens surveyed support the idea, especially in the wake of north korea's third nuclear test in
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february. >> the talk was out rearmiarming , with that all nuclear weapon used to be taboo of the country. and there is no apparent official government will to do so. but the tensions between the two caribbean nations and amplified over the weeks, becoming more reminiscent of the cold war. >> tea party favorite senator rand paul is endorsing a path to citizenship for the nation's illegal immigrants. paul is expected to unveil his proposal in a speech today at the u.s. hispanic chamber of commerce. the endorsement put paul with a growing number of republicans to hold the policy shift abroad and the gop's appeal to latino voters. >> if a new survey finds that the president obamas job approval rating has dipped below 50% for the first time since september. the cnn poll shows that the spotlight in recent months
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on fiscal and budget issues or contributed to the drop in numbers. meanwhile, 54 percent of americans had an unfavorable view of the republican party. >> if the call numbers came a day after the republican national committee released a major review of their performance in the 2012 elections. >> a boost for backers of same-sex marriage. former secretary of state to hillary clinton joined ever- increasing list of politicians to come out in support of same-sex unions. clinton jointer husband, former president bill clinton, president obama and host of conservatism also previously opposed same-sex marriage and now support it. >> if a few years ago bill and i celebrate as our border miracle of our life. i wish every opportunity for that parer for parents to see t >> to deny them the chance to live up to their own god-
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given potential is not right. >> the u.s. supreme court will hear arguments in proposition 8 andy defensive marriage act case next week. the rulings are expected this summer. >> in new national poll shows support for some same- sex marriage at an all-time high in the last 10 years, public opinion has undergone a reversal. in 2003 more than half of all americans wanted to outlaw same-sex marriage. now nearly 60% or to legalize it. the poll was conducted by labor research for abc news and the washington post. >> we will take a break. a problem george has fallen on the east bay highway 4. jackie sissel is on scene showing us the back up. george said more than an hour and a half to get from antioch to will pass road on high way 4. an incredible back up thanks to a large accident. multi vehicle. george will have an update coming up.
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>> we are back at 724. city group has agreed to pay $730 million to settle a class- action lawsuit they claim investors were misled by the banks' disclosures when they purchased its debt and preferred stock. >> the investors' purchases were made from may 11, 2006 for november 28th to dominate. >> city group has denied the
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allegations but agreed to the settlement so it could get rid of further expenses and uncertainties that come along with a drawn out litigation. >> video game publisher of electronic arts say it's ceo will step down at the end of the month. the ceo says he was accountable for the cover is missing operational targets. each day, has named larry probst as executive chairman while it searches for a replacement. the video game maker says its revenue and earnings per share will be allowed in or below its january guidance. a government panel in japan has increased the financial estimates of how much damage a magnitude 9 earthquake caused. if there earthquake centered off the coast of japan struck in march of 2011 caused a massive tsunami that killed nearly two dozen people. the panel is now saying that damages are estimated at 200 trillion yen . that is 2.3
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trillion u s dollars. they intend to use the higher damage estimates in drawing of disaster preparedness. >> in 10 years after the start of the war in the iraq , a new poll finds that the majority of americans to believe the war was a mistake. 53 percent of americans surveyed believe the war to be a mistake, with 42 percent is agreeing. the 53% market down from a high of 63% in april 2008. the poll also found 66 percent of republicans believe the war to be the right decision while 73 percent of democrats in the military campaign as a mistake. >> a live look at san francisco from our mount tam camera. that''s too much bacon.
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said nido one ever. baconacolia is back! now nowith even more bacon. come cmeelebrate our bacon obsession with all a new menu items like the bacon avocado omelette. only alyt denny's. and anthere's juicy chicken best fot ods is the secret to ma king ng parmearsan crusted chickn so ju icy y so delidecious it's yos ur secret to mtoaking dinner disappsaear best foo fds. bring oug t the best >> welcome back to the kron 4 morning news track a major delays in the west bound direction of highway 4 per bay point. it was a multi
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vehicle accident that has finally been cleared from the traffic lanes. it did block things for nearly an hour. jackie has been watching the ride is picking up just a little? >> yes. highway 4 is starting to pick up. even of the best date this is an awful commute. with this accident is going to get a lot worse. highway 4 is moving. in the upper right- hand corner you can see traffic. that is frontage road. tons of people will try to pour on to the road to avoid the exit. the side streets are backed up. highway for westbound in the morning is an awful commute at any time of the day. but, you can see traffic this morning is barely creeping along up for will pass road. i will switch over to the traffic maps you can see the in the route time. 112 minutes nearly two hours posted lifetime reaching westward from antioch trying to get out highway 242. this
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stretch of road that normally takes on a bad day 47-48 minutes. more than doubled the usual commute time almost triple now. the good news is all lanes are open. >> and george we have rain on the way. we are waking up to cloudy skies, temperatures in the '40's and 50's. rain will began tonight overnight. then again showers later at a wake up tomorrow morning. we are talking mild weather. a little more of heading into the weekend. we walked frigid as for coming up in a couple minutes. >> thank you erica following breaking news out of nevada where seven marines have been killed in a training exercise at hot on army depot. we have a closer look at where this happened. in the accident happened around 10 last night and also injured several with the second marine division. it is surrounded by all of these depots. the cause is
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under investigation. hawthorn army depot stores and opposedispose of the ammunition. the facility is made up of hundreds of buildings spread over more than 230 square miles is east of the california line. we will bring you more formation as the story becomes available. all we know is that seven marines have been killed in a training accident off on. >> 731. new this morning pope france's officially began his ministry at installation mass this morning in st. peter's square. we brought you that this morning on our 24/7 news show, has won 93. we broug193. >> the pool to daylong round
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bout for st. peter's square, getting out of his jeep to bless a disabled man. civil protection crews closed the main streets leading to the square to traffic and set up barricades for nearly a mile along the route to try to control the mass and allow official delegations through. some 1 million people were expected to attend today's ceremony. >> off a new pole is shedding light on how american catholics feel about pope francis and catholic doctrine. cnn orc international survey found 84 percent of american catholics approve of this election as pope . >> in it also found at three-quarters of american catholics and they're more likely to follow their own conscience on this difficult moral questions to the teachings of the pope. >> 91 stricter policies for sexual abuse committed by a priest. nearly three- quarters say france is to allow catholics to use birth
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control. 64 percent said the pope to allow priests to marry. amnd nearly six in sensation allow women to become a priest. >> guilty on all counts that was the plea repeated over and over again by a prominent south bay politician. former santa clara county supervisor george shirakawa jr. pleaded guilty to 13 felony and misdemeanor counts. he had been accused of misusing public funds in campaign contributions. he is accused of using his county issue credit card and a secret slush fund from his campaign to finance a gambling habit. in exchange for the guilty plea he will not be sentenced in a time in state prison. >> we wanted to end the nightmare and we agreed that we would ask for one year in county jail. >> county jail as opposed to state prison. he is leaving
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the court saying nothing to cameras. he does face additional charges as the d.a. looks as evidence that he might have failed to report about $400,000 and a onetime gambling when fog. >> return to court for sentencing next month. >> oakland police chief howard jordan says he is hoping his department's second attempt at reorganizing is more successful the first. over the weekend of aren't switching from two large police district by district that jordan says will be smaller and more manageable. he adds, the efforts and to have the right people in the right jobs. jordan says is the former will focus on building better relations is with the community than it has in the past. >>pinole police are hoping someone will recognize the man in this sketch. he tried
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to kidnap a 12 year-old girl. it describes a white male 19-20 years old, cn, slicked back short hair and brown goatee and a piercing in one of his eyebrows. >> police have identified the man was killed last week and richmond bart station at 35 year-old raymond harris. harris was gunned downthursday e rich and bart station. this is video from the scene. bart police and witnesses reported seeing one or two men running from the station but no arrest a been made. police say the shooting was sparked after a fight. for the shooting was the third homicide of the year in richmond. last year there were 11 murders. with 18 people killed. >> bart is considering proposals that would expand service in the east may possibly as far north as hercules. the proposals are
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meant as a way of relieving chronic traffic congestion along interstate 80. it would mean possibly adding stations north of richmond and san paolo and pinole and even farther. right now, the project is only in the idea face. if the bart road decides to--bart board decides to move toward extending service, it was still be several years for for construction could began. >> business owners and residents along san francisco polk street met last night to talk about bicycle and pedestrian improvements being considered for the neighborhood that to take away parking spaces. >> the san francisco mta is considering making various changes to several p stretches took street, including adding bike lanes, parkllets and other amenities. under some
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scenarios, there will be fewer parking spaces or parking spots will be transferred to sidestreets. construction would not begin until 2015. >> san jose getting ready for the big dance. h-p pavilion is getting ready to host on the game's in the ncaa basketball tournament which starts this week. and the san jose gets to host a bay area team with cal taking on unlv . h-p pavilion host of the tournament three years ago. >> will be back with
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>> welcome back to the kron 4 morning news that we continue to monitor major delays. nearly two-hour commute times. westbound highway 4 leading up to the scene of an occuring as an at will pass road. all of the lanes are open but the accident on the shoulder a nearly two-hour drive time. >> thank you george 740 want this just in to the kron 4 morning news room san francisco police and fire are responding to the area of mason and eddy for what they're calling a highly suspicious package. police say the suspicious package is a bus shelter. the power
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bart station says it is not affected at the moment. >> sorry it is affected. it is closed. while they are investigating the powell street bart station is closed. george will keep an eye as he keeps an eye on the hot spot over highway for which he just updated. i will have more on the traffic commute and a couple of minutes and the latest developing news. >> the time is 741 will be back in a couple of minutes. with weather as well. it looks clear from our roof camera on van ness avenue in san francisco but we are looking at a storm that is coming. we will talk about whether it is big and the timing of it. and, do not forget we are five minutes away from the world according to gary. it is almost al ways aboull
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high way for a live look from a point. that is the west bound ride. heading toward will pass wrote, san, this is backed up because of an earlier occurring accident. normally the traffic would be flowing smoothly all the way out to 242. the back up reaches all the way into antioch with a nearly two-hour drive time. lanes were just recently cleared of a six-seven car accident. it managed to block three of the right- hand lanes for nearly a hour. all of the late are clear. the accident is still in the final clearing stage is on the shoulder. >> we continue to have major delays or experiencing problems with public transit commute this morning. the powell street station is closed. that affects both bart and the muni metro. that area completely cordoned off by police tape. seventh of cisco police are investigating a suspicious package in the vicinity yes-
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san francisco police >> a look at your ride to the bay bridge and the west bound commutes for the upper deck. i believe we have that here. not there but there. the ride is backed up right to west grant. the drive time there from the macarthur maize is 18-20 minutes. >> a check of the weather would rain on the way here is erica. >> that is right we're seeing some of those cloud on satellite and radar. futurecast 4 shows the rain will arrive later tonight. because the showers along the coastline for your evening commute home. checkout 9:00 p.m. in the bay area. a lot of yellow indicating moderate to heavy rain. we will be steady, constant. we could see breaks for the overnight hours. the lingering showers a possibility as we wake up tomorrow morning. >> we should see drier conditions by wednesday, mid day, a past that there it. >> temperatures in the '70s heading into saturday and sunday.
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>> that is your area forecast of your heading to top off let us take a look at the snow bomb .com as a report. off the base keeps diminishing. sierra tahoe a base of 33-93 in. norstar 34-79. >> squaw valley reported a base of 12-98 in.. >> good morning gary. >> good morning darya. >> this is the big game tonight. they did not have much time to how to use it, enjoy been selected. they had to get right on the road. i believe they are in dayton ohio. e s they were greeted by bagpipes. >> tell me that i store question on >> because it is the a gales that pay the bad vibes from st. mary's. they do know that we're in marga .
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>> the time for the game is 6:00 i believe that is 4 our time because it is in dayton. >> is it three hours? >> no. it is just too. >> it depends on where you are. >> that is but a very good midwestern knowledge. >> they have 24 hours understand other things at 48. they have 24-hour to look at this and figure out their opponents. >> i figure out they would need more time this is what they call a play n game . there is a 6014 field but there is a couple of games that are played the our call play in . >> the tournament starts on thursday but the teams that snuck in have to win tonight to advance to thursday. >> we will see what happens
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on thursday if they win they will play memphis. >> that meant his team is really good. >> just going to determine is good. >>--that meanmempjhhis team is good. >> sometimes the big guys presence poses a threat inside. when the other team has to think twice when they're getting close. >> it looks like the other team is ducking away. if you watching the warriors start to take over. they are doing what is supposed to do their bidding up on day, this time of year the teams and not going anywhere. that was new ones. >> he is on 23 straight now.
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>> that is restored. >> that is perfect in the nba normally this time of year the nba unless it is your home team you're just not interested. >> this thing has everybody talking. lebraun james is sensational. >> i like what happens after these guys with the to follow what happens after these guys leave the sport. >> there are maybe two obstacles chicago maybe and san antonio may be. >> as far as on paper they can beat the heat. the rest of the gains they have three in a row coming here. it is against three sub teams. >> off this former nba player was a hall of famer adrian dantley .
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>> yes he is from washington d.c.. >> it is a great story because this guy i do not care how many points i score how much money i make i want to do something and i'm going to do it. >> he is a crossing guard. he said because of health benefits which is huge. and he wants to pass the time. we have got a former pro athlete not as a crossing guard. >> he is big. he is tall and is very sociable with the kids. i love him. >> i admired anybody that can put their ego aside. you have not read anything like he is down on his luck. >> no. he says is not need the money he wants to help. he wants something to do all they. >> that is critical. >> if not all they only a couple hours. >> he does get health benefits what's more >> if yes because you are considered a full-time
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employee. >> the average light 24 points a game. he was one of those big stars that you probably never heard of. he was really good. when i saw that i said good for him. >> i know, i know, i know this is a really important job. it is a big deal. it really is. >> if is a big deal with lindsay and tiger. use of the photos. they are on facebook. the idea is here we are leave us alone. >> last night i was saying good for him. you cannot keep saying ugh . all these big goals. >> after a while the guy leaves the country or start over again. doesn't she look a bit like sharon stone. >> my question is because we have known this everyone has been talking about it. >> all, let them live. >> they both take these
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photo and my question is does that cause us to finally leave them alone. here is a picture valley was a long period >> i did not know about you but as soon as i hang up with you i will leave them alone. >> the doesn't she look like sharon stone. >> i think she is beautiful. and very athletic. i think she will go well with tiger. they want to be left alone now. >> leave them alone as commission for what is funny. he does not want to be left alone when it was during all those endorsements. >> with a picture comingd not k >> as long as people are some my respectful all of these web sites and all this stuff now bringing up the pancake waitress. >> this is a way for us to control the lighting. >> it is a nice picture. >> we will see you gary.
7:57 am
well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse.
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we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. i loi ve these shoes. but buwhen they start hurting, i haveha to take them off.
7:59 am
until tii found dr. scholl's for her. they sup sport and cushion my feet all day.y. this is ihappiness - happy feet. so, i', ve got energy and style all day. dr. sc. holl's for her . for foheels and flats. i'm i'a believe.
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>> we're back is 757. a quick update on the situation in the east bay highway 4 our traffic hot spot. a multi vehicle accident near will pass through it backed up traffic all it antioch. earlier drive time running upward of two hours. we just got the update is down to about 80 minutes. 80 minutes is your drive time which is still twice what it normally is. will have full details coming up.
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>> traffic is still creek along. this is one of the worst commute to the barrier. on a good day i would imagine the traffic is backed up for miles on high way for westbound this morning. >> it is folly back up. >> for your show as a picture. the road that parallels i wherefore was worse in the freeway has gotten any better. >> it looks like it has got better. some of the frontage roads have eased up over the last 15 or 20 minutes. traffic is still creeping along west bound for. >> indeed it is led us to go to the traffic maps. it is backed up all the way into antioch. the accident itself has not been clear from the lanes that-has been cleared from the land but is still on the shoulder.e but is on the
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>> i did not think the back of all clear much for the in the broadcast. >> retail live look outside george, from our mount tam camera. a beautiful shot some of the morning. it does not to bad. it could be an ok day. we're talking to bridges mainly in the '60s and today. we are looking at mostly dry conditions. rain likely however, after your evening commute. it will continue in the overnight hours. before we get their wedding of the '40's and 50's. 50 in redwood city. satellite and radar shows cloud cover continues to stream into the bay area. >> frame still situated in the pacific. it is slowly moving it to the area. -- rain still situated in the pacific. >> i will walk into that of a couple of minutes. >> a breaking news out of nevada. seven rings up and killed in a training exercise at hawthorne army
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depot. we have a closer look at where this happened. as we zoom in on the left side the actual town of hawthorne. is a military town. what you see on the screen are the depots that is four of the voters are where they store the ammunition. the accident we understand happened late at night around 10:00. several people were injured all of them from the second marine division. it is all under investigation. here's the latest video. you can see an ambulance on the left flashing lights. >> a causes under investigation. hot on army depot stores and depots of ammunition for the facilities of the pledges of buildings spread over more than to let a 30 square miles and just east of the california line. will bring you more formation is and as it becomes available. >> in the vatican estimates
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some 150,000 people gathered in st. peter's square this morning for pope francis inaugural mass. we brought you live on our 24/7 channel, comcast channel 193. elizabeth gordon has the details of the ceremony. the pope stopped to it was a disabled man. >> following ceremonies inside st. peter's basilica the pope was inaugurated bishop of rome. the newly elected pontiff will show is a symbol of his role as a good shepherd and the fisherman's ring representing is due to spread the gospel. he asked follows to assume the role of protector. >> we are all protectors of creation. of the plan of god
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written in nature. one another of the environment. it does not allow such destruction and death to accompany our journey of this world. ♪ at the conclusion of a two- hour mass pope francis grid of the international head of state and attendance including vice president joe biden led the u.s. delegation. >> france's assumes his role as one of the busiest a hole is * palm sunday and easter fallinthe following sunday. >> will be back with more developing news and weather and traffic. taking a live look from our helicopter partnership with abc seven news over the scene of downtown san francisco where a short time ago there was a suspicious object discovered near the powell street bart
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station. it shut down the street at south bart. the object was outside of the station. now that has been cleared the authorities have been did safe. bart and many are back up and running. still impacted by this. we will continue to follow the building news in just a couple of minutes. [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids? it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was.
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what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. with colgate optic white toothpaste. it whitens over 2 shades more than a leading whitening toothpaste. and try colgate optic white mouthwash. to whiten more than 3 shades, use the whole whitening line, from colgate optic white.
8:12 am
to whiten more than 3 shades, use the whole whitening line, new griddle-melts to yourime usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4.99. it's an epic breakfast sandwich. >> we are back. talking football. the 49ers to be
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specific. and the superbowl which could come in 2016 to santa clara. >> there are a number of things to get through before we can make a decision. first demanding things from the bay area in their consideration. >> kron fours will trend is live in santa clara with more. will the death onfl owners and millionaires with a bit of we want? >> they are looking for free thingsbes. >> what will find out on may 22nd if there will be visible here two years after the 49ers win to the super bowl. >> i went to new orleans last month. the san francisco 49ers played in the superbowl there. new
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orleans made approximately $300 million in tourism for the week along. >> what they will decide the city of santa clara. they will make concessions this is what the nfl wants. >> free parking would also want to remove hotel taxes. there are thousands of people come to town many of them n f l executives. they want the tax is wave which is a the millions of dollars. >> what is in favor of santa clara, as a common san francisco this hour bay area. the bay area working for us is the fact that we're probably going to do that according to the city of santa clara. our competition, miami not willing to do that. that could be a huge sticking point the nfl will use. off and said the bay area is a lot better for us in miami. >> clara would decide whether to present those proposals after the me tonight. >> thank you will. we will continue to follow progress of danceable bid as we work
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our way to the next couple of months. >> with a break and be back with [ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf... is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪
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be a lot going on and traffic which is not a good thing on high way 4. >> a multi vehicle accident six-seven vehicles and a big rig, and a fuel spill all clear from the traffic lanes. all lanes are open at
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will pass road. we are about a mile away from the accident scene and traffic is still stop and go. >> kron 4 jackie sissel. we have jacket with us? >> yes we do. >> as you talk about this is never a good commute but especially this morning. >> it seems like we did not have him with us. >> we may not have is audio. it is still a bad right. every morning we start talking what traffic will talk about as low as traffic in the bay area. it is always highly for interstate 580. this is always a bad ride. >> the drive time is 89 minutes. this drive time here is running at a nine minutes. it is still solidly backed up all the way to the turnoff for the antioch bridge. that is 160. the bypass is still slow hear coming from the discovery bay area. if it were a bad
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one today with the 37-44 minister is running nearly 90 minutes. beating nothing else you can do? >> no nothing you can do. >> most double bypass will pass road head south to avoid this it doesn't make any difference the heavy traffic is before you get there. let us talk about delays on the bart system and the muni metro. it was here at powell street the stations were closed because of a suspicious package. we have talked about that they have completely clear the scene but, trains were being held over here in the east bay when the power street station was closed there were not allowing trains to run through. now they are. the back up on all lead to the tunnel to the two and to
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san francisco. systemwide delays. >> is this the kind of thing where you would be on a platform is the trains pass your body? >> yes. that is exactly what is going to happen. when they get trains back running on time that does not mean the passengers on time. passenger delay. we did for a minute have the marin commission it was a slow ride. i will cover that when we get to the golden gate bridge. >> let us talk about the bay bridge first. because we had earlier problems of his estate 80 as still have problems on high way for a lot of the traffic has not yet reached the bay bridge. it is only a short wait here. >> san mateo bridge down to 13 minutes for the commute time. we're right in the golden gate bridge here, the right across the span is an easy one. there is an accident on a one-for-one southbound. because of that traffic is jammed coming out navato. as slower than usual 101 ride. >> here is erica.
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>> it could be wedded type of any ride home george. although it is nice now it is a little cloudy. temperatures however, on the mild side. satellite and radar shows more cloud cover streaming in. a lot of moisture backed up into the pacific. this will slowly crawling to the bay area. this is a slow-moving system. once it arrives you can see it will give the coastline. 6:00 p.m. we could still be dry. the green sitting offshore. check out the 9:00 hour later tonight. the entire bay area is wet. green on your screen indicates light rain. could be constant at times. we can certainly get breaks as we head into the overnight hours while most of as a sleeping. >> waking up for the morning commute 6:00 a.m., potentially heavy rain approaching the golden gate bridge. light rain for the delta, livermore valley, the lower peninsula, and south bay. >> showers will taper off.
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we should be dry by mid afternoon tomorrow. when the system is all said and done we are talking perhaps a quarter of an edge to a half inch than three- quarters of an inch for higher elevation. >> snow levels remain high. will not see much no associated with the system. >> afternoon highs for today to see upper 60s for fairfield, pleasanton. 64 in concord. 62 in san mateo. >> some of the models were turning warmer. we could see seventies. frankly, i cannot think we will see too much sun. it will be significant kelly cooler than yesterday's we have rain of the schedule heading into midday tomorrow. past that we're back of sunshine. >> by saturday and sunday at temperatures could climb to the low seventies. a weak system faster sunday but i don't think we will see rain. >> that they area forecast if you're heading up to tahoe looking at the snow bomb .com is the report. >> not much snow. sierra tahoe base of 30-9 3 in..
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north star base of 34-79. >> as of valley base of 12- 90 in.. >> james. >> thank you erica on to some world news. the threat from north korea has sparked talk from within south korea of the need to develop its own nuclear weapons. a recent poll shows that two- thirds of south korean citizens surveyed support the idea, especially in the wake of north korea's third nuclear test in february. off the talk of south korea arming itself with nuclear weapons used to be tabloid that country and there is no apparent official government move to do so. but tensions between the two grandnieces and amplified over the weeks, becoming risen of the cold war. >> tea party favorite rand fall is endorsing a path to citizenship for the nation's illegal immigrants. paul is expected to unveil his proposal in a speech today at the u.s. hispanic chamber of commerce. the endorsement put paul with a
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growing number of republicans to hold the policy shift will broaden the gop's appeal to latino raidvoters. >> a new survey finds that president obamas job rating has dipped below 50% for the first time since september. the cnn poll shows that the spotlight in recent months on fiscal and budget issues are considering to the drop in numbers. >> meanwhile, 54 percent of americans have an unfair will view of the republican party. the poll numbers come a day at the republican national committee released a major review of their performance in the 2004 elections. >> a look at this shot on high 101 going into marin county that is slow.
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i'm just red carpets, big spectacles and the a-list. that's only the beginning. i have more than one red carpet. i like all sorts of spectacles. from the grandiose, to the impromptu... to the completely unexpected. and you'll only have to think about a list... when you cross this, off your own. los angeles. endlessly entertaining.
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plan your getaway at >> senators has agreed to pay 730 million to settle a class action lawsuit that claimed investors were misled by the banks' disclosures when they purchase its debt and preferred stock. the investors' purchases were made from may 11, 2006
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through november 28, 2008. city group inc. denied the allegations but agreed to sell mehserle to get rid of further expenses and uncertainties that come along with drawn-out litigation. the game publisher of electronic arts says it's ceo john riccitiello will step down the of the month. he says he was accountable for the company's missing operational targets. ebay has blame named larry probespros executive chairman while it searches for replacement. the video-game maker says its revenue and earnings per share will be at the low end
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or below its january guidance.
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>> welcome back a 28 a m and a live look from our van ness roof. we have changes in store for us whether wise, but let's hope things are changing for the better first with traffic. >> we are seeing some improvement on highway 4 and the westbound direction. drive times continued to improve. at this hour, we're still looking at heavy traffic. jackie sissel has the mind during this right. it seems as though at least from the picture, and the last 15 minutes that things of surge to loosen up a little? >> they have, but you have to remember i'm really far westbound. the accident happened earlier this morning but things are starting to clear up. anyone
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knows westbound in the morning that even on the best days this is the worst commute. there's traffic and road work going on further ease. there are only two lanes. there are not a lot of alternates, traffic is plan to beat them up pretty heavily for the back eastbound and where i am. >> indeed it is. the backup still reaches all the way into antioch with the drive time now of 69 minutes. this is a considerable improvement, but is still slow going from downtown antioch all the way out to and past the willow pass. drive times are typically half of what we see right now. we continue to see major delays in the east shore freeway. a decade off to a bad start this morning with a big accident at 37 minutes. it is still almost twice the normal commute time. a delayed for marin with a 43 minute drive time
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on the 1 01 southbound. is backed up the slower than normal commute through northern ran. the traffic troubles are still recovering from delays on bart this morning. bart has systemwide at delays with 15 to 20 minutes behind schedule. it was originally an east bay problem. there's a problem getting from the east bay and two san francisco. trains were being held. a suspicious package was investigated. >> we have rain on the way. temperatures are not too bad and it is dry for now and it is looking to shave up to be a nice day. it will be cooler, later on tonight the rain is certainly on the
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way. showers will continue overnight and will continue to see some rain waking up tomorrow morning. by midday wednesday, we are in the clear. we can actually see some sunshine. high pressure is back in the forecast, '70s into the weekend. full details on your extended forecast coming up on my next report. >> a breaking news story out of the back, seven marines have been killed in a training exercise at hawthorne army depot. this acts that have been around 10 last night and also injured several with the second marine division. the cause is under investigation. the vast majority of the property as you did see on the right, are the bumpers. the have video from that moment in time. piquancy the
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helicopters and the ambulance there. hawthorne army depots stores and disposes of ammunition. the faculfacility is made up of hundreds of buildings and spread over more than 230 square miles and just east of the california line. that military has only release simply that seven marines have been killed during an exercise. we will give you more information as it becomes available. >> of france as officially begins his ministry and insulation mass this morning in st. peter's square. we brought the installations you live on our 247 channel earlier this morning. the pope took all long round about through st. peter's square, getting out of his jeep to bless a disabled man. civil protection crews close the main streets leading to the square to traffic as the barricades for nearly a mile along the route to try to control the
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masses and allow official delegations through. some 1 million people were expected to attend at today's ceremony. a new poll is shedding light on how american catholics feel about pope france's and catholic doctrine. the cnn, o r c international survey found 84 percent of american catholics approve of his election as pope. it also found three-quarters of american catholics say they're more likely to follow their own conscience on difficult more questions than the teachings of the boat. night in san wants stricter policies toward sexual abuse committed by priests. nearly three- quarters a transition allow catholics to use birth control. 64 percent said the pope's allow priests to marry. nearly six in 10 say he should allow women to become priests. >> not guilty on all counts, that was a plea repeated over and over again by a promise of a politician. former santa clara county
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supervisor george shirakawa jr. pleaded guilty to 13 felony and misdemeanor counts. he has been accused of misusing public funds and campaign contributions. he was accused of using his county issued credit card and a secret slush fund from his campaign to finance a gambling habit. in exchange for the guilty plea, he will not be sentenced to any time in state prison. >> we were aware some of his addiction, we are aware of his public service. we were aware of how the community was wrong and how he needed to step down right away. we wanted to end the nightmare and we agreed to have them spend one year at the county jail. >> shirakawa had no comment as he left court. he did
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face additional charges as the d.a. looks of the evidence that he might fail to report about $400,000.10 time gambling windfall. he will return to court for sentencing next month. >> oakland police chief howard jordan says he hopes his department's second stab at reorganizing into smaller districts will be more successful than its first. this past saturday, the department switching from two large least exist to five districts that jordan says will be smaller and more manageable. he has the effort aims to have the right people in the right jobs. jordan says his department will also focus more on building better relationships with the community than it has in the past. >> and all police are hoping someone will recognize the man and diskettes. they say you tried again at the top of your gross she was walking home from school last week. he is described as white, 19 to 20 years old, then slipped back short here with a brown goatee and
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a piercing and one of his eyebrows. >> police and i then demand a was killed last week and the richmond bart station as 34 year-old raymond harris. bart police and witnesses reported seeing one of two men running from the station but no arrests have been made. police say the shooting was sparked after a fight. the fatal shooting was the third homicide of the year in britain. last year, the city recorded its lowest number of murders in 11 years, with 18 people killed. >> bart is considering proposals that would expand service in the east bay, possibly as far north as hercules. the proposals are meant as a way of relieving chronic traffic congestion along interstate 80. it would mean possibly adding stations north of richmond and san paulo and pinole and even further. right now, the price is only in the idea face. if the bart board decides to move for with extending service, it could still be several years for
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construction would begin. >> business owners and residents along seven cisco's polk street met last night to talk about wise to go and pedestrian improvements being considered for the neighborhood that could take away parking spaces. the san francisco mta is considering making various changes to several stretches upholstery, including adding bike lanes, parts and other amenities. under some scenarios, there will be fewer parking spaces or parking spots will be transferred to side streets. construction would not begin until 2015. mom, i invited justin over for lunch.
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good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! don't stress. we can figure this out. [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪
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♪ hot messw! at&t. hot mess hot mess ♪ ♪ your'e a hot kind of love you set me on fire you spice up my night feed my every desire ♪ jack's one hit wonder is now a burger. the hot mess is loaded with spicy jalapenos, onion rings and gooey pepper jack cheese. ♪ your'e a-a hot mess and that's how i met your mom. ♪ hot mess
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>> first data, now cigarettes. near city mayor michael bloomberg is targeting tobacco sales. he wants to require stores to keep tobacco products outside unless an adult is buying something or employees are restocking. the goal is to crack down on in people's smoking. the proposal would also ban selling tobacco products at a discount. there were also the tougher penalties. a bill is expected to be introduced to the city council tomorrow. people were quick to, this morning on bloomberg cigarette proposal, here's a look at what some of you are saying. randall says is that mean rubino cigarette advertising plaza at all over the windows and walls? what that is hiding a treasure if there are maps everywhere? jennifer says of we know that cigarettes only kill
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us, then tell me again why their company is making billions of it. libelled logical to toys would be to just shut them down. genevieve says people that are just starting smoking are not very intelligent. there's no way one can not know about the facts about what cigarettes do want health. simple as that. giant conversation, sound off on the kron4 facebook page we will share your comments throughout the morning. >> 8:42 a.m. at a live look at the james lick outside a san francisco. george has its hands full, that is not good news for you. he will be along with hot spots in just a couple of minutes. you don't have to do that.
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do what? that. i ordered more coffee yesterday. congratulations. those too. [ male announcer ] staples makes it easier to get everything your business needs, and now get folgers classic roast for $6.99. staples. that was easy. >> george is keeping a coun eye on a couple of issues. >> i would force still
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jammed on ennead out a way out to willow pass road. once again, it continues to back up. kron4 is jackie sissel is describing the accordion of fact of the stop and go traffic. the drive times are still bad here, almost 70 minutes. in the westbound direction coming out of antioch. this actually it represents a big improvement, it is about half of what it was an hour and a half ago. we are continuing to see delays on bart this morning. systemwide delays of 15 to 20 minutes after bart recovers and the closure of the whole street station. it was closed * quest of the san francisco police department. they were investigating a suspicious package. it also affected than muni metro station as well as serve the street traffic in the palo street station area. we are still
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on winding the backups and delays. a check of the bridges, the bay bridge westbound back up regis to just past the 880 over crossing. 16 minute commute time from the maze. the san mateo bridge, the ride is still fairly heavy westbound. the drive is between 15 and 18 minutes. the commute to the golden gate bridge is a heavy through this mhe span. >> is very cloudy at the golden gate bridge but temperatures are not too bad. wear low fifties in san francisco, flirting with 30 end concord. satellite and radar picture shows some of the rain headed our way.
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we're seeing an increase in cloud cover, that will continue throughout the day. the moisture is in the pacific. we could squeak by for evening ride home. by 6:00 p.m., a lot of the moisture is still sitting off shore. putting the clock into motion, 9:00 p.m. all the green coming to the bay area. it indicates the possibility for a light rain. some are morning, 6:00 a.m. we're still contending with wet weather for half moon bay, pacifica at down the south bay, the livermore valley, the delta. tops of yellow on your screen indicate moderate to heavy rain approaching the golden gate bridge. we will expect wet roadways. when this is over with, we're talking a quarter and two 1/2 pence. we could see up boards of three-quarters of an answer for higher elevations. afternoon highs for today,
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we will stay in the upper 60s for pleasanton, fairfield, 64 oakland, los 60s sander fell in the city. 7 day around the bay forecast shows wet weather on the schedule until midday wednesday. we will dry things up,sunshine and low 70'sk in the forecast as we head into saturday and sunday. >> it has been 10 years since the start of the war in iraq. cnn's arwa de damen has covered the war for most the past 10 years and revisits the string streets of baghdad to speak with the people. >> this is still a city of blast walls and checkpoints. the violence permeates everything. they were those boys are with their bikes, that is where the vehicles
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were pull out. the victim would be pulled out of the trunk and shot in cold blood. in those days, you would not see children gathered here for game of soccer. they would all have been crowded around witnessing an execution. as mayor recently thumbing along the river, our producer could not help but to remind me of more grim moments. at the peak of the violence, people were regularly recovering dad, a bloated corpses from the water of the tigris river. it winds its way through baghdad. we had just spent the afternoon on bradstreet which has seen its own horrors. this year it is a baghdad street where you can find all sorts of books and old magazines and newspapers. it is a historic meeting place for the
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country's intellectuals to go shopping and gather at cafes to debate anything from politics to poetry. it has been targeted in the past. the most devastating of which was an attack that happened and march of 2007. some say that massive blast tore out the soul of the street. it is busy today, but the revival you see is not brittle. the place is haunted by the past. this is from the ottoman empire, it is the oldest iraqi currency that they have here. it is around 100 years old the as saying. this man says he has been here for the past 50 years. he is still alive because he was sick the week end of the bombing. his stand is just outside the iconic cafe, a longtime
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intellectual hub. the owner was friendly, happy to let us sell. we've been asking for an interview, he instantly harden. four of the owners' sons and grandsons were killed and at 2007 attack. we wanted to speak to him today. he has spoken was cnn and the past but this time he refused. he was still carrying understandably so much pain and anger. he said i don't want to speak to any american networks. america killed my son, bush killed my son. that is the logic of many iraqis. although the countries was ravaged by a surge in bombings, the americans were ultimately to blame. for most of them, the last decade is not defined by the moment as a down hussein's capturer execution. not even free
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election. it is the memory of the last time they saw a loved one before they were inexplicably randomly murdered. or cheating death themselves. many say they hardly recognize their country anymore. they say, real hope for the future becomes harder to find. >> 8:52 a.m. and we will take a break. i live look on the southbound 1 01. it is moving. there are some issues further north but we will get an update for and george coming up in just a little bit.
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>> 856, and into san hamas
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on the market in the south bay. it is deep was the ac ste's house which is and los gatos. it was designed and built for the apple co- founder and 1986. the architecture of the property reflects the apple design. the asking price? a little over $4 million. the 7500 square foot home has six bedrooms and eight bathrooms. >> coming up on the kron4 morning news, we have more and video from the pope's
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installation today. you can see the footage here that was added to kron4. we will have that continuing coverage and a couple of minutes.
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(male announcer) live from the bay area here is your kron 4 news >> developing news out of nevada were seven marines were killed and several injured and in the military training facility. new details coming up. tens of thousands of people gathered this morning in st. peter's square first thinfor pup
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francis's inaugural mass. >> we continue to monitor delays here for highway four and a westbound direction. traffic has been that the badly for the better part of the morning because of a multi vehicle accident that occurred about two hours ago at willow pass road. it is likely the result of a lot wrong way driver, at jackie sissel is monitoring the situation for is currently. >> still lagging very good progress out here. westbound 4 is just creeping along, below 20 mi. an hour. it is backed up for miles even on the best days, a highway was on the morning is an awful commute. compound with this multicolor accident, there are no turtles.alternatives. >> a continues to be slow for the right coming out of antioch and the westbound direction. the drive times
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are falling to 42 minutes. we have seen some improvement. >> freer wide was words of the bay bridge, we will have a complete traffic check coming up. >> cloudy skies, satellite and radar picking up clouds that have moved dead. showers developing out on the coast, you will see the right move into the area. later tonight, and the north bay it will be really light stuff. a really big weather maker, to they mostly cloudy. wednesday, showers will be dry by the afternoon. we will time out the rain for a little bit later. >> the time those nine 02 a.m. and are developing stories happening in nevada. seven marines have been killed in a training exercise at hawthorne army depot. we have a closer look
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at where this happened. this accident have around 10:00 last night and it also injured several with the second marine division. the cause is under investigation. hawthorne army depot stores and disposes of ammunition. the facility is made up of hundreds of buildings spread over more than 230 square miles in just east of the california line. we will bring you more informations as soon as it becomes available. 9 of 3:00 a.m. and the vatican estimates some 150,000 people gathered in st. peter's square this morning for pope francis's inaugural mass. we brought as the live on our 247 channel comcast channel 193.
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>> of france is rolled into st. peter's square where crowds of thousands gather under sunny skies to witnesses and not romance. he did not ride in the traditional pope mobile, he opted instead for open air vehicle that allowed him direct contact with the people. he kissed babies and got out of the vehicle to bless a disabled man. foulings their monies inside st. peter's basilica, he will present outdoors. the newly elected pontiff accepted a job, a symbol of his role as the good shepherd. also the fisherman's ring, his duty to deliver the gospel. he asked at his followers to resume the role as protectors. >> we are all protectors of creation, a plan of bad real nature. protectors of one
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another, the environment. let us not allow that destruction and death accompany our journey in this world. >> at the conclusion of the two hour mass, pope france's brit the international heads of state as intended. including vice-president the joe biden. he has assumed that his role is one of the busiest unholy * n d catholic calendar. next sunday as palms and dasunday, wh easter one week after. >> authorities say a suspect killed during an office are all sitting in san jose monday night was trying to ram a police officer with a stolen vehicle. this is video from a helicopter partnership with abc seven news. the shooting was reported just before 7 near
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story as south white roads. police the officers are following up on an unrelated case when they spotted the vehicle that had been reported stolen. when officers tried to pull over the vehicle, the driver allegedly rammed a police car then attempted to run down officer who got not the damage vehicle. >> i doubt and went out around and ice cream truck. we did not want any kids see get hurt, they were undercover cop cars. the odds of i their cars and surrounded the white car. i heard the shots fired and that is all i know. >> authorities say the officer, and fear for his live, opened fire on the suspect. this as a was a into the hospital where he died from his injuries. a passenger and the suspect vehicle is being considered a witness and is cooperating with authorities. investigators have not yet identified the driver. we a pretty clear conditions at the moment, things are changing pretty quickly. we
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will be right back. [ man ] we have a go for auto sequence start. t-minus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... ignition. [ male announcer ] launch your internet experience on at&t's newly expanded advanced digital network and connect more wi-fi-enabled devices at home. [ female announcer ] call to get u-verse high speed internet starting at $14.95 a month -- a guaranteed price for 12 months. or ask how to get your choice of a kindle fire hd, sonos play:3 or xbox 360 free with other . [ male announcer ] and get more speed for wi-fi gaming, more reliability than ever and more connectivity between devices. [ female announcer ] so call to get u-verse high speed internet starting at $14.95 a month -- a guaranteed price for 12 months. or ask how to get your choice of a kindle fire hd, sonos play:3 or xbox 360 free with other qualifying internet offers. [ male announcer ] u-verse high speed internet. [ man ] where all systems are go.
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>> i found out this morning that i have a lot in common with billionaires, not the accounts but we both like
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freebies and we both like to save money. that is what they're hoping to do tonight at the santa clara city council meeting. we do know that the 49ers will play here in 2014, we don't know was if there be a super bowl here two years after that. here's video of the niners and support and your lens at last month's superbowl. if we get this, we get the honor of hosting a super bowl. sybil's makes so much money, nor evans made an average of about $300 million. the owners want a lot of things. they want free parking, they want the bay area specifically santa clara to waive the hotel taxes. if that happens, it could increase our chances of getting the super bowl. miami is the other city in contention. there are a told the nfl that they are not going to waive the hotel taxes. if we bring that to
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the table, perhaps the nfl would decide on may 27th to bring the super bowl, the 50th anniversary of the super bowl to the new niner's stadium. >> now to a star you only see on kron4, battles targeted an east bay business district over the weekend. they had businesses in the downtown oakland area on 17th street. the vandals used galoots saddam is a lot to many of the shops. the president of the south of broadway business association said this latest ruling as an a continues with an ongoing string of vandalism here. in fact one shop owner says she is considering relocating her business out of oakland. >> i should not have to do that, oakland is my home. i want to live here, work here, do my business here. >> merchants say they have no idea who or why a they are doing it. it is wanted
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to stop. a live look outside, a san francisco shot. we'll have more on the weather and traffic when we come back.
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>> better news for our hot
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spot where conditions have improved in the drive time is back down almost to normal, 26 minutes for the westbound ride. bart is still recovering from systemwide delays of 15 to 20 minutes after an earlier recurring problem. their problems with the paul street station that was closed by police action in san francisco. bay bridge ride westbound with the back up that is minor now. 14 minutes of the macarthur maze. the san the sale bridge, highway 92, smith conditions with an 11 minute drive time. the golden gate bridge, across the span is not a problem but still slocum northern marin. >> time offer winners and losers on wall street, rob black joins us. we have the
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cost of drugs in the u.s. dropped last year. that is in the water column. >> on one hand, a generic drugs are starting to hit their situation point of 86 percent of all prescription drug. 50 percent of health care spending and specialty drugs are skyrocketing costs. that is will need to worry about down the road. drugs that are fighting disease in things like that can cost up to $200,000 a year for prescriptions. on one hand it is great for generics, up on the other hand the cost of specialties are starting to creep in. a saturation of 88%, you cannot get any better than that. >> the lizard, had california's unemployment rate. we heard from governor brown that the balanced budget that things were looking better at the state
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capital. we're still having a tough time creating jobs. >> i think higher taxes than most other states in the nation, obviously sequestration slowing down, last year we raised income taxes on some of the earnings and the state of california. people are leaving going to texas where the job market is growing. we are tied with delaware, that is not a good thai, 9.8%. there are talks that we made open up oil or gas at racking which would create a surplus. nothing really this year, 2014 we should see our unemployment rate go down. that will help all of housing and rental markets and thus help our economy. >> also lose their electronic arts area based gaming company. a set up in top management. >> i think this is long
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overdue, i grew up playing bird vs. magic johnson. a lot of franchisees are tied towards the pc, they're not allowed the tide toward the ipad. electronic arts mess with the on-line game called star wars. they must massively when it bought pop cap, they paid too much for. they're making headway. wall street is the question of who is going to take over? we do not know yet. they're better off than being held. that is saying something like i lost five seats in a fight purses i lost 10 teeth and a fight. >> also in the losers' column is the yoga of pants. recalls for a very popular brand. >> black pants, if you can see my pink underwear to
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those black bands that is not a good thing. this is their second major they need to fix the problem at the high end. the demand for products is not the problem, it is the quality. to much of is being made in china and it is not high quality. if you're going to charge a premium, you better put off better than they do. they're still the grow this quarter even though they have a recall. the demand is there but they have to address the quality and get more clarity before you jump into the shares. >> de think this might eventually be an opportunity? >> is a growth segment. yoga is not exactly flowing down and picking up in popularity. >> thank you, as always and you can also catch route 1 are 247 news channel on comcast's 193. >> we have cloudy skies out
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there, we're seeing some areas of sun peeking through. fleer expecting some wet weather to come this way. the bay bridge shot, here is a city from downtown. temperatures are fairly mild banks to the cloud cover. is keeping us insulated. cloudy, a local lawyer then compares the last couple of days. this evening, we are expecting light rain. showers lender mainly in the morning hours and answer that after down, the winds will pick up tomorrow. there is a is dry with plenty of sunshine. the clouds had moved then, we of some light overnight rain and you can see the system is basically off shore. you can see on the coast dropping some rain. late this after no, and the north bay most of it should be later tonight and during the overnight hours. it is a weak system, not getting a lot of rain at all. future
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cast four, 6:00 tonight cloudy conditions. you did see some other rain in the north bay towards fellow. by 9:00 we will see the widespread rain. the green is showing light rain, no yellows or oranges so no heavy rain. at 2:00 in the morning, further east and south of us, you can see some areas of the west as sleeping. 6:00 tomorrow morning during the commute you can still see we have light rain as well. a couple of pockets of heavier rain but overall, a really weak system and not putting out a lot of moisture. temperatures right now, lower 50s downtown san francisco, 53 hayward, 50 fremont, 49 pleasanton, i have monday 48. highs today and the lower 60s. 64 oakland, hayward 64, 57 have
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monday, santa rosa 65, several fell lower 60s, livermore, lower 60s. 7 day around the bay forecast shows rain later tonight through tomorrow morning. maybe later in showers in the afternoon, of the winds pick up into the thursday and dragged for the latter part of your work week. into the '70s f 70or ♪or saturday. sierra tahoe, note new snow but the base of 30 to 93 in.. norstar 34 to 79 in., up squaw valley 12 to 90 in.. >> a live look outside at 922 a m and the salmon sale
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bridge traffic right here is a bright spot. we will be right back.
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>> it has landed in the bay area, this is it a much- hyped about new blackberry smart phone busy 10. i got my hands on it early, and officials on the market this friday. it is the first blackberry to run on the new operating system. >> much better navigation, much better keyboard. is all whole new blackberry. >> daniel is a black orblackbery power user. >> if we want to go into your browser, when you're on the browser you can actually
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slide up and peek at your notifications. you can see if you have e-mail as well as other notification. i guess what over and get more details and is not important, i can get back to what i'm doing. i can go back to the home screen and it takes me back to my recent applications. >> the camera has a collection called time shift, it snaps 12 shots and less than a second. >> you can adjust the camera itself and the picture to find the best focus picture and actually isolate the face and find the best face that is on there. the one that comes out of the best lighting, it gives your recommendation, so like that and as slow fixes the face not just the body. >> there's also the black carry video screen in a share. it lets you skip share your screen while video chatting with someone. we could be chatting and looking at the same picture, video or document. >> this on is very impressive, by far the
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greatest blackberry ever. if you're a blackberry user, you will love it, it is on par. if you're someone who is not an @ iphone or android user already, it would be weird to switch over to the blackberry experience. it would be difficult. i do not think it is necessary. i think blackberry will have trouble learning people away from the android. at&t will be the first carrier to have it, the other carriers will have it sun. >> i always like gabe's advice. he is honest, objective and looking out for us. 9:27 a.m. and a live look at the golden gate bridge. lots of sunshine, traffic is rolling.
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>> you conceive of the ride coming from marin county looks pretty good. it had been a problem earlier this morning with big delays in the north bay. we wanted to talk about the earlier occuring problems here on highway 4 and westbound direction. it has cleared up now, live look from the same. jackie sissel camera shows a traffic conditions are back to normal. >> we have cloudy skies out there, we would destroy the future cast four. we'll sell you where and when it is going to rain today. since the clock during the evening commute we could see some light rain and acting folks and the north bay. it will be really light, not a big weather maker. 9:00 tonight the green filling the screen is the widespread light rain. we will see that later tonight and during the overnight hours. 2:00 a.m.
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some of the wet weather is still lingering. also tomorrow morning during the commute around the 6:00 and time we will see some showers in the area. overall, this is a weak system. will talk about the rain and when you will see more sunshine and '70s again in the seven day forecast a little bit later. >> filing breaking news out of nevada, at seven marines have been killed and several others injured in a training exercise at hawthorne army depot. it closer look at where this happened, of the accident have been around 10 last night at also endured several with the second marine division. the cause is under investigation. hawthorne army depot stores and disposes of ammunition. the facility is made up of
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hundreds of buildings spread over more than 230 square miles just east of the california line. we will bring you more information as soon as it becomes available. new this morning, but france's officially begins his ministry at an installation mess this morning in st. peter's square. we brought the covers to you live from our 27 news channel, has 193. the pope took along a roundabout through st. peter's square, getting out of his jeep to bless a disabled man. several protection crews closed the main streets leading to the square to traffic and set up barricades for nearly a mile along their route to try to control the masses and allow official delegations through. someone people were expected to attend today's ceremony. there's a new poll out setting light on how american catholics feel
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about pope francis and catholic doctrine. the seat and an old are see international survey found 84 percent of american catholics approve of his election as pope. it also found three-quarters of american catholics say they're more likely to follow their own conscience on difficult moral questions in the teachings of the pope. night in san wants stricter policies toward sexual abuse committed by freeze. nearly three- quarters save france this should allow catholics to use birth control. 64 presents a the pope should allow priests to marry, and nearly six in 10 cities to allow women to become priests. guilty on all counts, that was a plea repeated over and over again by a prominent south bay politician. former santa clara county supervisor george shirakawa jr. pleaded guilty to 13 felony and misdemeanor counts. he had been accused of misusing public funds and
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campaign contributions. shirakawa is accused of using his county issued credit-card and a secret slush fund from his campaign to finance a gambling habit. it is as for the guilty plea, he will not be sentenced to any time in state prison. >> we were aware of his addiction, we are aware of some of his public service, we were aware of how the community was wrong. we knew he was going to step down right away. we wanted to end the nightmare so we agreed to one year in county jail. >> shirakawa had no comment as he left court. he could face additional charges as the d.a. looks into evidence that he might have failed to report about $400,000 in a one time gambling when fall. he will return to court for sentencing next month. oakland police the power jordan says he hopes his department's second attempt at reorganizing into smaller
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districts will be more successful than its first. this past saturday, the department switching from to a large police district the five districts that jordan says will be smaller and more manageable. he adds, the effort aims to have the right people in the right jobs. turn says the department will also focus more on building better relationships with the community that has in the past. then all police are hoping some will recognize this man in the sketch. the state tried to kidnap a night 12 year- old girl as she was walking as she was walking home from school last week. he is described as white, 19 to 20 years old, thin, slid back short here with a brown goatee and a piercing and one of his eyebrows. police have identified a man was killed last week at the
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richmond bart station as 34 year-old raymond harris. perez was gunned down last thursday night outside the richmond bart station. this is video from the scene. barkley said witnesses reported seeing one or two men running from the station but no arrests have been made. police say the shooting was sparked after a fight. city group has agreed to pay 730 million to settle a class-action lawsuit that claimed investors were misled by the banks' disclosures when they purchase its debt and preferred stock. the investors' purchases were made from may 11, 2006 through november 28, 2008. senator inc. denied the allegations but agreed to sell metal would get rid of further expenses and uncertainties that, along with the drawn-out litigation. of beautiful sigh from afar of the clouds that are rolling in. we're looking at changes the weather, rain rolling in.
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[ female announcer ] now your best accessory can be your smile.
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with colgate optic white toothpaste. it whitens over 2 shades more than a leading whitening toothpaste. and try colgate optic white mouthwash. to whiten more than 3 shades, use the whole whitening line, from colgate optic white.
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it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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>> bart to be considering expanding service in the east bay, possibly as far as hercules. >> district 7 bar board member is putting the idea of expanding the bart service northwester interstate 80. right now, the richmond station is in the middle the city is the northernmost out on the richmond fremont bart line. the idea would be to extend that line to the north parallel to the path of nearby interstate 80. along their route to bart stations could be added and the san paulo, richmond held out shopping centers, further north and pinole and there could even be service all the way to hercules if not further. none of this is even close to being a done deal. i spoke with the bart spokesperson today was said this is just one of many
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ideas and projects the transit agency is considering. if the board does decide to move forward with extending services to the north, it will be a long, long process. the transportation agency would have their secure funding and get land, engineer and design the extension. then the product would have stood last three years of product steady in reviews. >> there's also chains about upholstery. business owners and residents along francisco's upholstery met last night to talk about bicycle and pedestrian improvements being considered in the neighborhood that could take away parking spaces. the san francisco mta is considering making various changes to several stretches upholstery, including adding bike lanes, part let's and other amenities. under some scenarios, there will be
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fewer parking spaces are parking spots will be transferred to sidestreets. construction would not begin until 2015until it is that the vote tuesday to get your commute why is. otherwise we have been fine. we will see some rain come our way, we will have more updates coming up in a few minutes.
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>> a state like crackdown has landed a lot of people in trouble with the law. a record 475 arrests were made in a state known as operation salt shoulder tap. stanley roberts as a look inside >> can we talk to? >> this man, this man, this man, and this man, they all have one thing in common. in
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fact, more than 400 people around the state of california have done the exact same thing. local police conducted a statewide operation to curb the sale of alcohol to minors. as a good look at what actually happens. this guy's face is blurred and he is a 17 year-old police decoy to simply ask strangers to buy him beer. he even tells people he is 17 and cannot legally buy alcohol. the man and a lack of ready agrees to buy the boy beer but not before looking around to see if anyone is watching. after a few minutes, what he returns with a 12 pack of beer to the decoy and in the police moved in. >> right now you're gonna get a ticket for giv >> instead of taking money from the boy, he decided to buy him a beer with his own money.
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>> we're trying to educate the public. you need to be aware that we were trying to stop underage drinking. >> this man agreed to by the boy and another 12 back. and again the police moved in again. >> this matter is most interested, he said he would not by him beer because the area was crawling with police. he as a decoy ride with him to a different liquor store will be easier to give him the beer. the decoy refuses to ride with them so the man asked him to meet him there where he bought him a 12 pack of beer. not to mention the driver add one additional problem. all of the alcohol is then returned to the store or poured out after each ticket is issued. on the peninsula alone, as well as several people were
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issued tigert tickets for supplying alcohol to minors which is a misdemeanor. the fine could be a thousand dollars and up to 24 hours of community service. >> 9:48 a.m. is the time and it has been a bear of a commute this morning. >> it still is for folks that are still heading out to bart this morning. there is a closer at the bart whole street station at the request of the but sampras's go police. they word checking out a suspicious package but the situation was resolved. the station was reopened but there are still systemwide delays from which bart is still recovering. mostly from the east bay into san francisco. that is the primary commute direction. it is unlike that for the past two hours. those delays persist but will continue work themselves out for the rest of the midmorning. the ride
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for the bay is not too bad except for some continued slowing in marin county. 1 01 southbound, normally a good commute time will be back down to 22 minutes, is still 30 to 35 minutes. we had two separate incidents and the report most recent was an accident southbound at the scales. the rest of the ride around the bay, looking at the bridge is not bad at all. you could see the end of the back up, as well the 14 minutes for the bay bridge. the san mateo bridge is back to an 11 minute commute time, problem free here. the ride across the golden gate bridge is light enough now and the southbound direction. they have already added the third lane on the northbound side as we move closer to 10:00. we also expect rain on the way. let's find out what it will ride. >> holding off in the morning commute on the rain but we do have cloudy conditions. satellite and radar showed this to the system we're watching that will bring as rain later tonight starting and the north bay. it is a pretty
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weak system, we will not get a lot of rain from it. we need the rain. it'll also drop below the snow in higher elevations. the resorts may get a dusting or so. later today, cloudy skies and then into the afternoon of mostly cloudy and cool air. by the evening the rain will arrive. it could impact our evening commute especially if you're headed to the north bay. future cast four, 6:00 tonight most of us according to this model are staying dry. cloudy conditions with the rain moving in from the coast impacting the north bay first period by 9:00 we see the green and that is the widespread a light rain. by 2:00 in the morning, you will see some light rain as well. tomorrow morning at 6:00, we will see more light rain, possibly better chances of it going in the south bay. temperatures
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right now or in the '50s, 54 downtown san francisco, mid- 50s oakland, 500 no '70s today. 60 downtown san francisco is the high. 57 have monday, 65 san jose, mid-60s livermore, a vallejo 64, 7 day around the bay forecast rain later on tonight and tomorrow morning. winds will pick up after that, san deal for thursday but we will be dry. friday, plenty of sunshine in the weekend looking to be nice. spring starts tomorrow so we kind of wet. by the weekend, back into the '70s and plenty of sunshine. monday looks good, high 75. >> first the white house
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doors, and out annual white house easter egg roll could be canceled. white house officials say they alert all easter egg roll to give orderticket holders that the event is subject to cancellation due to funding uncertainty, including the possibility of a government shutdown. a partial government sat down would occur if congress fails to extend funding authorization by the march 27th deadline. are there this month, the white house and the public towards the is the timber because of force spending cuts that affect march 1st.
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>> an interesting, as on the market in the south bay, is steve wozniak house which is in los gatos. it was designed and built for him in 1986. the architecture of the property reflexed apple design. the asking price, a little over 4 million bucks.
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it has six bedrooms and eight bathrooms. does it have a rise to procure $3.4 million car in that? this is a diamond encrusted gold stage car. $4 million. the first mfg. arabian sports car and they're only seven of them for sale. you have to get what you can. they're ready to for sale at the end of 2014 and will be snapped up quickly. aching go 444 mi. an hour, i do not know where you could test that. a bankruptcy judge has approved the sale of twinkies to appear and investment firms. hostess brand inc. is selling the company toll


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